Saturday, August 2, 2008

And this is why I shouldn't care..


Well, I wanted to write about something that's been bothering me for a couple years now...
It's become even more evident recently..

I have discovered that no matter how nice I am to a person, they still want nothing to do with me.. I believe the term "used" is in order here.
I mean, I would give someone the proverbial "shirt off my back" and it still would not matter. If I am in possession of an object that someone is in need of, I would hand it over, and I would not think twice about it..
Example: Pretend that I had a crayon. A person (could be a stranger for all intents and purposes, doesnt matter) casually lets slide that he/she is in need of a crayon/writing utensil. I would hand said person, said crayon without a word. But after using what I so graciously provided, said person would have no further use for me..

Yes. It is becoming more and more clear now that I am older. And yet, it still hurts.
Hence, I should just not care.


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